
We believe You 

should be able to Exit 

the Workplace

on Your Own Terms

not someone else’s.

We’re the Advisors 

who can Show You How.

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Wealth Advice Simplified

We work with Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Investors, and High Level Executives to improve cash flow, pull Equity out of the business, and Grow  overall Net Worth.

You can Improve the Value of the Assets you have. There are Options for you to use Cash Flow from investments, or businesses for an Exit Strategy, or Retirement, or to Retain Top Talent without giving up Equity Positions.

Your business may not sell for what you think it is worth. With Financial Innovations, you can Pull Equity out of the business. This allows you to Create an Exit Strategy that acts as your ‘Backup Plan’ if you decide not to sell. 

For High Level Executives, you can Design a Plan with Options, as if you own the business. Then, Executives can benefit from streams of Cash Flow, acquire Assets, have an Equity Position, and Create an Exit Strategy from your career.

You have to understand Risk, so as to adapt and manage it as best as possible. If you do not know how to Pull Equity out, then the help of a Good Advisor becomes more important. We are the Advisors who Understand your Situation, because we have been  all 3 – Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Executives.

With the Right Strategies in place beforehand, you create Certainty. Then, You just continue to Focus and Grow in all areas of Your Life. All of this adds up to a Higher Net Worth.



We Can Help You:

  • Create Your Exit Strategy
  • Acquire More Assets
  • Unlock Business Equity
  • Control Your Capital
  • Retain Top Talent
  • Expand Your Options
  • Advise on Business 
  • Retire with Better Terms
  • Diversified Financial Planning
  • Grow Your Net Worth

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Why Choose Us


We are the Advisors who Understand Your Situation, because we are business owners also. We have already seen it all.


Straight Forward terminology in explanations. We can talk financial jargon, and flash complex charts if you want, but find it is often not needed.


We have your Perspective in mind. With the Right Strategies in place beforehand, you can create Certainty. Then, You just continue to Focus and Grow in all areas of Your Life


Process for Money Mgmt

Our Process is SimpleEasy to Hire. Easy to Fire.

We are Growth Investors: If we do not produce returns on assets that beat the market, move on from us.

We give Weekly Insights and Updates to our Clients.

Investing Philosophy:

  • Invest in Good Public Companies
  • 20 – 30 Positions
  • Co’s w/ Strong Balance Sheet with Low Debt + Cash & Cash Flow
  • Secular Growth & Strong Leadership Position in Their Market


Process for a Tax Free Exit Plan 

We work with Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and High Level Executives to Improve Cash Flow, and Pull Equity out of the business.

The goal is to Grow your overall Net Worth. Your business may not sell for what you think it is worth, but there are options to Create an Exit Strategy that acts as your ‘Backup Plan’ if you decide not to sell. 

  • Multiplier Match Brings Tax Free Money 
  • Provides an Increase to Your Contributions of 260% (2.5x +)
  • ​Allows you to acquire Tax Free Assets
  • Unlocks Business Equity 
  • Secure a Baseline of Tax Free Income ​60% – 100% higher vs. saving on your own
  • Frees up Capital, offers Control,  and Reduces Financial Pressures to Save
  • 5 and Done – make Contributions for a Definitive Timeline of 5 years, and then No More 


Process for Tax Protetcion 

Control Your Capital by Using the Tax Code to Reduce or eliminate Taxes can be one of the biggest things you do to Increase your Financial Security.

The Objective is to move more of your money into a long term Tax Free position. 

It is Important to have your Funds Separated into 3 Types of Accounts:

  • Taxed – Normal W2 income (1099, salary, etc.), Investments (maybe Taxed at lower Cap Gains rates)
  • Tax Deferred – Typical Retirement Accounts like 401K, IRA
  • Tax Free – Insurance Accounts, or Roth IRA

Most professionals have all of their money in the Taxed, or Tax Deferred category, which Lacks Balance. This creates a Problem. All of Your Money is Exposed to either the Current Government Tax Code, or the Unpredictable Future Tax Code. Either way, you have Less Certainty of what you will pay. 

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EK 101 Concepts


Game Plan 

= Offense/Defense

It’s not all offense, or all defense, it’s the combo of both – balance.




= Acquire Assets

Assets that appreciate over time are the best way to keep and grow wealth.



= Exit Strategy

Business Professionals need a long term plan, to enhance their options.

Our Team

Matt Battaglia

Matt Battaglia

Financial Consultant

Matt Battaglia is from NY, and graduated from UMass at Amherst. He has an extensive business career working in sales, mgmt, media and mktg fields. His first job was in his father’s vending business in Queens, NY.

Radio opportunities brought him to the valley in 1998 where he eventually became a minority owner of KFNX 1100, a talk station in Phoenix. He expanded his business career into different areas from media consulting to insurance / finance. Currently, he also consults with entrepreneurs, business owners, and high level executives on running businesses and financial areas.

His main area of focus is usually on the financial end – sales, marketing, cash flow, assets and equity. He lives with his wife and children in Phoenix, AZ. Matt enjoys coffee, movies, golf, football, NY sports, books (especially on history and business), cookies, a good bourbon, and whatever his wife enjoys. 

Steve Rogers

Steve Rogers

Captain America

Captain America is the alter ego of Steve Rogers, a frail young artist enhanced to the peak of human perfection by an experimental serum after joining the military to aid the United States Government’s efforts in World War II. His actions in the War were legendary, heroic, and fictional. He is also a member of the Avengers, and a personal friend of Iron Man.

Captain America’s commitment to excellence, teamwork, loyalty to friends, and overall effort is an inspiration to all to strive for more. His catch phrase – ‘I Can Do This All Day.’ 

Louis Winthorpe

Louis Winthorpe

Silent Partner

Louis Wintrhope has years of investing experience, and really understands the psychology of the process. He is a former commodities broker for Duke & Duke, who made his fortune in the Oranges Industry. His insights and advice are invaluable.

He has a watch that tells time simultaneously in Monte Carlo, Beverly Hills, London, Paris, Rome, and Gstaad. Louis is from Philadelphia, and attended Phillip Exeter Academy and Harvard University, where he was a member of the Zeta Chi fraternity.

Denver Nowicz

Denver Nowicz

Associate - Wealth for Life

Denver Nowicz is an Associate of Economic Knight, and also a Financial Advisor and founder of  Wealth For Life with over 20 years in the industry.  Being an independent firm, Denver uses  a combination of techniques and strategies to access the best financial strategies and products the market has to offer.  He is not restricted or forced to offer certain products or strategies like many captive firms. 

With experience gained from helping hundreds of clients successfully improve their finances and their lives, Denver is driven by his clients’ success—nothing is more rewarding than creating a successful plan for a client to help ease or eliminate their financial stress, worries, and fears.

The Fiduciary Responsibility is always in the clients best interest first.

More Info: 


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Podcast: AZ Tech Roundtable with Matt Battaglia

The show where EntrepreneursTop Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business.
AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving.
Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more…

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